Feb 18, 2017

Want to be in with a chance to win a pedigree Charolais heifer?

Want to be in with a chance to win a pedigree Charolais heifer?

A pedigree Charolais heifer is to be raffled off in the coming weeks by the Agricultural Science Society (AgSoc) in University College Dublin for charity.

The heifer, which was donated by the Irish Charolais Cattle Society (ICCS), will be raffled off to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis Ireland and Embrace Farm.

Embrace Farm is an Irish charity set up to support people that __have been injured in a farm accident and to support the families that __have lost a loved one in a farm accident.

AgSoc holds an annual raffle to raise funds for various charities and it is run by Agricultural Science students and Auditor Sean Holian.

This year the ICCS has donated a young pedigree Charolais heifer, Skidoo 96 Maire, as one of the top prizes in the raffle.

Maire comes from one of the oldest pedigree Charolais herds in Ireland, Skidoo, according to the ICCS.

She is a daughter of the high index sire Blelack Digger and Skidoo 96 Ivory.

The donated heifer has a five star replacement index of €87 and terminal index value of €120.

Anyone wishing to support this cause can do so by purchasing raffle tickets, which will be sold at various marts and agricultural events around the country in the next few weeks.

To mark the partnership, the UCD AgSoc will place the ICCS logo on its annual jackets and t-shirts which are worn by over 1,000 young farmers in UCD each year.

AgSoc donates record €42,000 to three charities in 2016

At the end of the academic year in 2016 the UCD AgSoc donated a record sum of €42,000 to three charities.

AgSoc raised the money through numerous fundraisers including events in Dublin city, Ag week and the raffling of a pedigree Angus heifer.

In 2016 the AgSoc committee chose to donate €32,000 to Console, as well as a further €5,000 being donated to both East Clare Saint Vincent de Paul and CRY – Cardiac Arrest in the young.