The top 200 EBI (Economic Breeding Index) herds in the country __have been revealed by the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation
This is the first listing to be released since the EBI base change was carried out last year.
Remaining in pole position for a third consecutive run is the herd belonging to Kieran Hearne from Carrick-on-Suir in Co. Waterford.
In second position was Timothy Fitzgerald from Portlaoise, Co. Laois with an EBI of €171, with €38 coming from the milk sub-index and €95 coming from the fertility sub-index.
With an EBI of €170, made up of €52 from the milk sub-index and €85 coming from the fertility sub-index, was David Fitzgerald from Mallow, Co. Cork who came third on the list.
Kevin Downing, Whitechurch, Co. Cork has climbed two positions to fourth with an EBI of €164, while Vincent O’Connor from Killarney, Co. Kerry is in fifth position with an EBI of €162.
The latest ICBF figures show there are 19 herds with an EBI of €150 or more, an increase of 12 herds from the previous evaluation.
This top 200 list, which is available on the ICBF website, saw 20 herds making the list for the first time, with 72 herds climbing up the ranks.
Figures show that the average EBI of the Top 200 herds is €130 with €37 coming from the Milk Sub-Index and €57 from the Fertility Sub-Index. This compares with a national average of €67, the ICBF show.
What Is EBI?
EBI is a single figure profit index aimed at helping farmers identify the most profitable bulls and cows for breeding dairy herd replacements.
It comprises of information on seven sub-indexes related to profitable milk production. These are; (i) Milk production, (ii) Fertility, (iii) Calving performance, (iv) Beef carcass (v) Maintenance (vi) Health and (vii) Cow Management.