Oct 6, 2016

What are your views on the State of the Farming Nation?

Ahead of this year’s National Ploughing Championships, Agriland.ie is looking for your views on the state of the farming nation and on a range of political issues.

In what has been a difficult year for all farming sectors, with prices on the floor across the board, we are looking for your opinion on a variety of farming issues.

The aim of our State Of The Farming Nation survey is to gauge farmers opinions on the future of the Irish farming sector and to help us to better understand the farming community in Ireland.

There are a range of farming questions relating to direct payments, inspections and Irish food to name but a few. We also __have several questions on rural crime in our survey.

Click To Take Part In The Survey

On the political side of things, if a General Election was called in the morning which party would give your first preference vote to?

We also want to see what you think of issues such as Brexit and a 32-county Ireland.

The State of the Farming Nation survey takes less than five minutes to do and you can find the survey here.

We greatly appreciate you taking time out of your day to take part in our survey!
