The attention on spring calving dairy farms is switching to drying off and one of the key components for setting your cows up for next spring is having your cows in the ideal Body Condition Score.
According to Teagasc, dairy farmers should be targeting a Body Condition Score of 3-3.5 at drying off.
Measuring a cows Body Condition Score will also allow farmers to identify over or under-conditioned cows early, it says.
This will allow farmers to put a plan in place to ensure that cows are in an ideal Body Condition Score at calving.
Addressing Body Condition Score issues, whether they are over or under-conditioned cows, has been shown to reduce the incidence of calving difficulties and metabolic problems in the following spring.
Think your up for the challenge?
Do you think you know the difference between under-conditioned, fat or cows in ideal condition? If so put your self to the test.
The team here at Agriland, along with the help of Teagasc who supplied the pictures, has created a fun and practical quiz to test your Body Condition Scoring skills.
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