A haulier in Cork City was stopped by the Gardai over the weekend for travelling with a load of 28 bales which were not secured properly.
The load weighed approximately 20t, according to the Garda Twitter account, and was deemed unsecured with only five ratchet straps attached.
However, the haulier was not fined or reprimanded for the offence and was instead advised by the Gardai to secure loads properly in the future.
Cork Traffic Corps: HGV stopped in Cork City with insecure load of 20 tonne bales. Driver advised. pic.twitter.com/IsOO0Srnam
— An Garda Síochána (@GardaTraffic) October 23, 2016
Earlier this year, a haulier in Tallaght was pulled over by Gardai which had an unsecure load due to a deflated tyre.
The Gardai reminded farmers to always safety check your vehicle at regular intervals while drawing fodder.
Farmers Haulage Co Note unsecure load caused by deflated tyre Always safety check your vehicle at regular intervals pic.twitter.com/II0qlF26Uj
— An Garda Síochána (@GardaTraffic) July 12, 2016
On the same day in July, a farmer in Askeaton, Co. Limerick was stopped for only having one strap used to secure a load which appears to __have 17 bales.
The tractor and trailer was stopped on the N21 and as the tweet below shows, the top row of bales was left totally unsecured.
Farmers Haulage Co Pls Note Askeaton Gardai intercept tractor/trailer on N21. Only 1 strap. Nothing securing top row pic.twitter.com/AXAvEgWHUc
— An Garda Síochána (@GardaTraffic) July 12, 2016
The Road Safety Authority (RSA) has previously said that a load shall not be carried on a vehicle on a public road in such a manner that part of the load is liable to fall on the road.
A load must not drag on the surface of the road, so as to cause damage to the road or to be liable to cause danger, it also advises.
Operators or drivers should employ a load restraint method suitable to the load being carried, according to the RSA.
Dimensional Limits
12 metres (or 18.75 metres when combined – i.e. tractor and trailer or other interchangeable towed equipment).
4.65 metres. Trailers used to transport loads of baled agricultural produce such as hay or straw etc. are exempt from this height limitation.
-Agricultural tractors and trailers – 2.55 metres;
-Large tractors – tractors with a laden weight exceeding 7.52 tonnes – 2.75 metres;
-Tractors with flotation tyres or dual wheel systems – 3.5 metres; and
-Fully mounted equipment and interchangeable towed equipment – 3.0 metres.