Oct 19, 2016

Beef cattle supplies ease slightly but weekly kill still above 35,000 head

Beef cattle supplies ease slightly but weekly kill still above 35,000 head

There has been a slight ease in the number of beef cattle slaughtered in Department of Agriculture approved beef export plants.

During the week ending October 16, the weekly beef kill reached 35,683 head, a fall of just 318 head or 0.9% on the week before.

All of the main categories of cattle, with the exception of steers, posted a fall in throughput last week.

Young bull slaughterings posted the highest fall, with supplies down by 10.8% or 264 head on the week before.

Furthermore, aged bull, cow and heifers slaughterings all dropped last week, with supplies back by 33 head (-5.8%), -130 head (-1.6%) and 102 head (-1.3%) respectively.

However, there was a slight increase in steer slaughterings, with the weekly beef kill of these animals up 1.2% or 200 head on the week before.

Week-on-week beef kill changes:
  • Aged bulls: -264 head or -10.8%
  • Young bulls: -33 head or -5.8%
  • Steers: +200 head or +1.2%
  • Cows: -130 head or -1.6%
  • Heifers: -102 head or -1.3%
  • Total: -318 head or -0.9%

Cumulative beef cattle supplies

Figures from the Department of Agriculture also show that an additional 55,646 cattle __have been slaughtered in Ireland this year compared to the same time in 2015.

Young bulls account for the majority of this increase, with year-on-year throughput up 28.6% or 34,367 head on 2015.

Cow and heifer slaughterings __have also increased, it shows, with an additional 20,981 cows culled this year, while heifer throughput has increased by 1.2% or 4,106 head.

However, official figures also show that there has been some decline in aged bull slaughterings, which have declined by 4,004 head or 14% on 2015, while steer slaughterings remain pretty much on par.

Year-on-year beef kill changes:
  • Young bulls: +34,367 head or +28.6%
  • Aged bulls: -4,004 head or -14%
  • Steers: +191 head or 0%
  • Cows: +20,981 head or +8.2%
  • Heifers: +4,106 head or +1.2%
  • Total: +55,646 head or +4.5%