Feb 12, 2015

Personalised tote bag

This personalised tote bag is great for picnics, trips to the beach or simply the weekly shop, and look even better with a distinctive, stylish motif.

  • a plain cotton duck tote bag
  • Wundaweb
  • tailor’s chalk and scissors
  • iron
a selection of coloured 
and patterned fabrics
  • sewing machine

1. Make your tote bag unique with appliqué. Here, we used a simple boat shape (a hull and two sails) to create a coastal design.

2. Draw your pattern onto Wundaweb using tailor’s chalk, cut out the pieces 
and then carefully iron them onto your chosen scraps of fabric.

3. Cut out the shapes, remove the backing paper and press in place on the front panel of your bag. Decorate the back and sides, if you like.

4. To secure and form a neat finish, hand-stitch around the outline of your design using running or zigzag stitch.

You could make your personalised tote bag completely from scratch by upcycling an old deckchair sling into a sturdy carrier – simply sew together two identical square pieces of fabric along three sides and attach two handles to the open edges.


This personalised tote bag is great for picnics, trips to the beach or simply the weekly shop, and look even better with a distinctive, stylish motif.

  • a plain cotton duck tote bag
  • Wundaweb
  • tailor’s chalk and scissors
  • iron
a selection of coloured 
and patterned fabrics
  • sewing machine

1. Make your tote bag unique with appliqué. Here, we used a simple boat shape (a hull and two sails) to create a coastal design.

2. Draw your pattern onto Wundaweb using tailor’s chalk, cut out the pieces 
and then carefully iron them onto your chosen scraps of fabric.

3. Cut out the shapes, remove the backing paper and press in place on the front panel of your bag. Decorate the back and sides, if you like.

4. To secure and form a neat finish, hand-stitch around the outline of your design using running or zigzag stitch.

You could make your personalised tote bag completely from scratch by upcycling an old deckchair sling into a sturdy carrier – simply sew together two identical square pieces of fabric along three sides and attach two handles to the open edges.


post from sitemap